
Responding to a profile you like

BDSM Boston Contacts

Responding to a profile you like

Tips on Making Contact.

We have been using online adult dating sites since David created one of the very first ones in the Boston in 1997.

Before that we had used paper based contact magazines.

We have had a very active sex life meeting and playing with people in the Boston, Spain, USA, Netherlands, Belgium, France and Italy. We have also played with people from all over the world who have attended our adult parties in the Boston or Spain.

We know the site works, we use it ourselves! Our profile names are Dirtydavid, gojojogo and joanddavid.

There are no secrets on how to be successful, you just need to follow a few basic simple rules.

  • Read the profile all the way through before replying.
  • Only write to people whose profile says they are looking for someone like you.
  • Always be polite.
  • Tell the advertiser what you like about their ad.
  • Tell them how you think you will meet their requirements.
  • Do not send 1 line responses such as "I want to meet you" or "I want to have sex with you" Most advertisers will not bother to reposnd.
  • If you enclose a picture show your face - most people like to see the person, rather than a piece of genitalia. If they like the look of you, they will then ask for another picture, a nude one if they want it. (some people do want nude pictures from the start, but they will usually say so in their ad).
  • Keep the language clean, match your response to the ad. Don't go straight in with a hardcore letter.
  • If you are turned down by an advertiser or they do not reply, don't keep contacting them - you are not going to make any friends by being a nuisance or abusive. Just move on to the next advertiser.
  • We are bound to have missed a few points, if you come up with some more, please feel free to write and tell us at ([email protected])
Responding to messages received

Please reply to all messages you receive. People have taken the time to write to you, acknowledging their effort costs nothing except a few seconds of your time.

Most people will have spent time plucking up courage to write to you, and time thinking of the right thing to say to get you to notice them, you do not need to write a long letter, a short note saying something along the lines of "Thank you for your response, but you do not match what I am currently looking for, better luck next time" will at least let the respondent know they have failed. We check our mail eagerly after we send a response, hoping that someone has written back to us.

Escorts & Prostitutes

We do not allow adverts from escorts, call girls, prostitutes, working girls or boys.

Our websites are for Swingers, Fetishists, Kinksters all of whom are here for fun. Please report the profile of any user that asks you for money to meet, and we will remove it from the website.

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