
Searching for kinksters

BDSM Boston Contacts

Searching for kinksters

How to find someone on our database.

We have over 5 million members, but everyone has different tastes, requirements, fetishes and we are all looking for different kinds of people.

Before you start searching think about the kind of people you want to meet and make sure your profile and profile picture is up to date.

As we have said before, VIP members are more likely to be genuine, but lots of standard members are too. If you are a VIP member you are able to contact all other members. If you are a standard member you will be able to write to all the members, VIP members will be able to read your message, but standard members will have to upgrade to VIP to read your message.

To start looking for people click on the Magnifying Glass Icon at the top of the screen. This will now open up a search page with several options.

Quick Search

This option allows you to do a simple search for Couples, Females, Males or TV/CDs within a chosen distance of you profile location.

The results will be displayed with the VIP members first on the list.

Advanced Search

This option gives you the same options as a quick search, plus you can search by age, languages, member status, verification status, and by their profile options.

By Username

If you know the username of a user and want to see their profile use this option.

OnLine Now

This option will show you the users in your area who are online now.

Why Do We Charge?

Many people ask us why we charge for VIP membership, it is simple; to create an manage an app and to create, manage and store a database with millions of members takes, money, time and people. Unlike Facebook who pays for their services by running ads, we have to rely on subscriptions. There is not enough paid for adult advertising to support Adult Content Websites.

Escorts & Prostitutes

We do not allow adverts from escorts, call girls, prostitutes, working girls or boys.

Our websites are for Swingers, Fetishists, Kinksters all of whom are here for fun. Please report the profile of any user that asks you for money to meet, and we will remove it from the website.

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